Bilingual | 再获殊荣!济南连续两年获评“中国最佳引才城市”
The annual Best Employer Award ceremony was held in Chengdu, Sichuan province on Dec 15. Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong province, was named China's best city for attracting talents in 2023 during the ceremony.
This is the second time that Jinan has achieved this honor. It is the only city in Shandong to receive the title this year.
The selection of cities was done by several professional organizations, including Peking University's Institute of Social Science Survey and its National School of Development, as well as recruitment portal Zhaopin.
Besides analyzing the employment data of cities in terms of talent attraction, talent retention rate, and talent vitality, the evaluation also took into consideration policies, regulations, systems, activities, and achievements related to talent attraction and retention in candidate cities.
Jinan's success can be attributed to its continual efforts in diversifying talent attraction platforms and optimizing the environment for talent development. The city is focusing on the construction of a national, provincial, and municipal laboratory system, and is looking to establish new research and development institutions, technology innovation centers, and workstations for academicians and experts.
这份荣耀,源于济南不断拓宽多元化引才平台, 创新推出一揽子引才政策,持续优化全链条引才生态。济南坚持“平台聚才”思维,全面推进齐鲁科创大走廊、中科院济南科创城建设,布局建设梯次发展的国家、省、市实验室体系以及新型研发机构、技术创新中心、院士专家工作站等,为人才成长搭建高能级科创平台。
It is also striving to create a talent-friendly environment and make itself an attractive place for talents to work and live.
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